On Sunday, my wonderful husband Buzz, got my car detailed in preparation for Ella's arrival. If you've been near my car, you understand why I don't like to drive people in it. It is a haven for dog hair, saliva and dirt. In a good week during the summer, I might visit the dog park 4-5 times. Not to mention the car is 6 years old. Well, we pick the car up and it looks brand-freaking new. Amazing. They shampooed and washed everything.
So the goal is to get some kind of dog barrier so I can keep the dogs contained (though tightly) in the hatch. Unfortunately, Sunday night we notice that Otis has a nasty red rash near his genital region. I make an appointment for today and I try to contain the dogs in the cargo area using a mesh net contraption. Greta gets all tangled up and ends up in the back seat on the way there. The spotless, nice-smelling back seat with no towel protection. About five minutes from the vet, Otis jumps into the back seat from the cargo area. Next thing I know I'm smelling that fishy smell known as anal glands. I look back and sure enough, Greta has released hers on the clean seat. Then, while pulling into the pet clinic parking lot, all 66 pounds of Otis jump right onto my very pregnant belly.
And just to be fair, on the way home Otis releases his anal glands in the back seat. Luckily I had borrowed a towel from the pet clinic and the seat was protected.
With dogs like these, motherhood ought to be a breeze!
6 months ago
I am feeling your pain my dear. Titan's new thing is to anal gland on our pillows... we won't go into how many pillow cases we've gone through recently or the fact that the smell still lingers or the fact that we've woken up more than once with his butt in our face... yeah, let's not go there =)
I don't know how you do it Kelly...even just the words ANAL GLANDS scares me! Those dogs are lucky you love them so much.
BTW isn't today Otis's b-day? I have it on my calendar...you know me being such a dog lover and all. If so Happy B-day Otie!!!!
...Just like Nina.
Ok, you know I don't know anything about dogs, what is that, anal gland, a wet fart from a dog?! um ewwww!
I just spit out a mouth full of popcorn, I'm laughing so hard!
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