Yes, I know I suck. I started out so strong post-partum. I was even blogging from my hospital bed. Now, I'm a slacker. There's a reason or two though...My sister and her three kids and Buzz's sister (and later her b-friend, Brent) came in two weeks ago. Kirsten went home Tuesday am but my sis is here until August 1st.
What does all that have to do with my blogging you ask? Well I've spent every free minute driving to Schaumburg or Elk Grove for the last two weeks and will continue to do so for the rest of the month. By the time I get to a computer every few days I only have time to check my e-mail and my friends' blogs. Did I mention I'm on the last book of the Twilight series?
Anywho, if you're still reading I wanted to let you know that I will be more diligent because Ella is so cute and I feel like I'm neglecting her in the blogging world. Thank you and good night!
7 months ago
Glad to hear it, but I figured it was because of your sister and nephews. I hope you guys are having a good time.
I totally understand...I've been slacking too but don't have a good excuse like you! We'll be here waiting until you're back and I'm sure you'll have tons of pics to share.
Enjoy the time with your family! And take lots of pictures to share. :)
It's alright Kels, You're 4x a Lady, Don't spread yourself too thin, Blogg when you can.
I don't have a good excuse, either, sometimes the day just gets away from you.
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