So I'm driving back from a fun-filled trip to Walmart on Saturday when I see a car for sale off of route 31. As I drive by to look at the sign I think I see some sort of large creature lying next to the car. Could it be a dog? Now I know that there was no person in or near the car. The car is parked in a field in front of a big industrial park.
I don't know if any of you have this thing, this thing that makes you stop for dogs no matter what. Just a few weeks ago I was chasing down a large, scary-looking pitbull not knowing what I would do if he stopped. I always find myself in these situations. So naturally, I turned the car around and headed back towards the scene.
As I'm pulling into the industrial lot's entrance I notice another car ahead of me. This white Toyota is also headed towards the scene. As I pull up and jump out of my car, (that was a bit dramatic, I actually walked out of my car) I see a Weimaraner coming towards me. There is a lady behind him (I know it's a him because he has large balls swaying in the wind) and I ask her if he's her dog. She tells me no that she just stopped to see if he was okay. We realize he's limping. I try to grab him but he runs by me. So this lady and I start going after him.
Now we're headed towards the back of the park and there are cornfields or something to our left. For some reason at this point, the lady kicks off her sandals and is now chasing the dog barefoot. I'm hanging back but am ready to stop the dog if he heads back my way. We end up chasing the dog into the back door of some garage. The lady goes in while I stay out to watch our cars - both of which have a door open and are running and are now a few hundred feet away!
Just when I begin to question whether she'll be coming back - maybe it was a trap and she's being murdered as I stand guard...
She returns. She tells me that the owner is inside working and it's his car out there. The dog felt the need to guard it or something. I ask about the limp and she reports that it's arthritis. She throws in, "There are medications to help that." I nod knowingly. As we head back to our Toyotas complaining about the irresponsible owner, I realize that she is my future and I'm okay with that.
6 months ago
Nice that you guys were so willing to help with the dog. I would do the same thing, I wonder if I would stop to help a person though? Probably not- how weird is that?
I totally had to read your paragraph containing "balls swinging in the wind" to Mike, because it made me laugh out loud
Geez, I'm logged in as him again!- It's Jess
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