Sunday, April 11, 2010

How to Save a Life

Meet Molly: She's a three-year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel that came into my work last week to be euthanized. You know, the Sex and the City dog. For those who don't know, I work at a vet's office on Saturdays. I've worked there since I went back to college in 2003 ish. So anyway, this dog is going to be put to sleep last Saturday. Why? Well, I'm still not really sure. She has a heart condition. Her back legs don't work great - but she walks and all. She has hip dysplasia. She also happens to be at least 10 pounds overweight. For a dog that size it's like a human being 100 pounds overweight! So guess what improves when you lose weight? That's right, hip dysplasia and heart conditions.

But the owner "tried" getting her to lose weight and wasn't successful and felt it was time to put the dog to sleep. Having worked at the pet clinic for so many years, I've seen my share of E&C's (euthanasia and cremation). Every single one is heart-breaking and most are necessary. But every so often we don't agree with the owner's decision. So after me and the other receptionist spoke with our vet, she agreed that she would speak to the woman about the option of relinquishing her dog. So while she's in the exam room the other receptionist and I are brainstorming...who can take this dog? The other receptionist would but she's on crutches and this dog is high-maintenance. I would but Otis and Greta would eat her and Buzz would divorce me. Maybe a rescue group?

The vet comes out and informs us that the owner agreed to give up her rights if we could find a place that would take her - not a shelter because she didn't want her in a cage and unloved (death is much better than that)! But we need to find a place NOW. So me and our vet get to work. She knows of a friend of a friend...I get online and call the Greater Chicago Cavalier Rescue.

A kind man answers and listens to my plea..."I have a Cavalier King...arthritis, hip dysplasia, heart condition, overweight..." I'm thinking to myself that if they'll take the dog I will keep it at my house in a crate until they can get it or I'll drive it to wherever after I get off work. The man is not turned off by any of the info I've told him about this dog. He listens and tells me that he thinks they can help. He says that they're located in Yorkville but guess what - his wife is in Bloomingdale picking up some rescues. He'll have her call me right away. She calls back within 10 minutes. To make a long story short the dog is picked up within an hour by this kind-hearted woman who heads this rescue group. The dog will see a cardiologist, have hydro-therapy and be lovingly fostered until she is better and a forever home can be found.

That dog was so close to death that day (the woman had even signed the paperwork). Some people at work thought I did such a great thing by "saving" this dog but all I did was take the time to make a simple phone call. The real hero is this rescue organization that was willing to take on this special-needs dog without batting an eyelash. On her way out, the rescuer turned and said, "call us anytime you need us." Wow.


Jeanie said...

What a lucky little dog...hope he finds a good home. You're ok kid

Jessica said...

You're one awesome lady, Kel. What a nice story to share.

Mandy said...

That's is so awesome Kelly. I've always wanted a Cavalier King!!! You know, if my husband didn't insist that we buy massive beast horse-dogs.

Kellie said...

yeah! You know I am a sucker for rescue dogs. I would of taken her in a heartbeat. Good job Kel!

JILL said...

So proud of you! I am up for rescuing/adopting a dog ...actually- just need to get Rocky on board. I love this story. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...


Judie said...

Nice job Kelly! Two hundred gold stars. :)

Anna said...

We need more people like you... if we weren't having a baby... and already had two dogs... I wish we could be doggie foster parents. Maybe when Max gets older :)
OH! I need the name of that trainer you were telling me about- email me if you get a second!

Teresa said...

Way to go Kelly.

Nicki said...

Oh, that is a heartbreaking story with a heartwarming ending! I hope that sweet dog goes to a home where someone will help her lose weight and regain her health. Thanks for sparing her life!!!