I'm a bit behind on blogging and wanted to get this info down for record's sake...
At 12 months old:
Weight: 18# 4oz (10th %)
Height: 29 in. (50-75th %)
Head: 17.75 (50-75th %)
What we have on our hands is a little shrimpo.
She is officially off of breast milk! Yeah! We actually went a bit past the 12 month point. I had to wean her so it took a little time. I'm still waiting to see what new shape my boobs are going to settle into. Now that I think about it, she is still getting breast milk at night but these are overstock from the frozen supply.
She continues to rock on the stairs. Not sure if I mentioned this but she knows how to go down on her belly and has since she was about 10 months old. I still need to spot her but she's pretty damn proficient. She also used this feet-first method to get off of couches and beds. She continues to sing while she eats. She makes this little humming sound the entire time she is eating. When she sleeps she burrows into the corner of the crib. She likes her head to be touching two bumper pads simultaneously.
She loves to "talk" on the phone. Everything is a phone (cameras, toys, shoes...) I swear she says, Greta. She also seems to say dog. Whenever she hears the neighbor dogs bark at night, she gets excited, points her finger and makes a little squeaky sound. Still won't wear hair bows or headbands. She deliberately pulls them out and smirks at me. She loves to close doors and often closes herself in the bathroom with the lights out. She completed her first baby class and started swimming classes. She continues to be the light of our lives.
...regarding the photo series above: I decided to take a monthly pic of Ella in the same chair with the same doll to see how she progressed. Unfortunately I didn't start this until she was three months old and I saw the idea on someone's website. I may continue this into her second year.
5 months ago
Bring her to STL soon! ;)
Can Ella come over and teach Adriana how to go down the stairs on her belly?? She refuses. She's so cute and I am so excited I got to see her walk today!
The Blaa Blaaa! I can't believe she is one.
Hi Kelly--
It's Dana (Brian's sister). Just wanted to restate the possibility that are babies are twins who were unknowingly separated at birth. We just had Liam to the doctor two days ago for his one year visit. His stats: 8 pounds 7 ounces, 29 inches long! He is apparently a "petite" guy too. :) Side note: He also believes that everything is a phone -- bananas, remotes, shoes, wallets, etc!!
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