Monday, March 7, 2011

The Kindness Kids

I know, I know, my ass has sucked at blogging. I've been in hibernation. I loathe this time of year. After the high of Christmas everything seems to go downhill...But, daylight savings is coming Saturday and I AM PUMPED! So back to blogging...

The joy of having digital photos is that you can pull out an oldie like this at a moment's notice. Here's the first time Ella met Amy's kids. Let me remind you that although she looks like a baby giant, Ella was in fact a small baby. But these twins were Extra small.
Here's one taken from last month. See, kids always even out.
Amy asked me to take some photos of her kids for a Valentine's Day card she was sending out and here are some of my faves. Her daughter, Addison, makes the funniest faces.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

All three of those kiddos are dolls! Good pics, Kel.