Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ella's third trip to Austin

Since my dad works for the airlines, I get to fly standby. He also knows some of the people at the airport so he can switch my seat around sometimes. This came in handy Wed. morning when we flew to Austin and he got me a row to myself. Ella isn't the compliant, quiet baby she used to be when we've flown. Now she is loud, whiny, gabby, squirmy and active! She slept for about an hour of the 2.5 hour flight so that helped a lot. Did I mention we took an 8:10 a.m. flight? Yikes. Buzz was sad to see his little girl go again. I was so excited to see my sister's family and they were excited to see me, I mean Ella! Jerks.
My sister's house is like a mini-mansion and Ella is loving exploring it. She climbed up on this table and my sister and I both said, "Uh, oh." Then Ella said, "Uh oh." Aidan is shocked that she talked. I was too.
Here is Ella's big brother. They totally could be, couldn't they? I'll have to post a baby pic of Blake later. We always said he was pretty.
I bought Ella a travel high-chair before we left. It is dwarfed by my sister's giant kitchen chairs. Ella likes to feed Ziggy cereal too.
My sister and I went to lunch and grocery shopping and when the kids got home we hung outside.

Blake was taking our picture and told us to be cats and growl. That kid is hilarious.
Ella is being constantly entertained by the Cavender boys.
Kerry turns to see Cole peeing at the park. She immediately starts yelling at him as she proceeds to snap pictures. Talk about mixed messages.
That night the family lays on the couch to watch Modern Family and the little ones snuggle up with Ella.
Cole tries to sing her to sleep but Ella is a night owl and won't snooze. It makes for a cute picture though.


Teresa said...

SO DARN CUTE!! Those boys need a sister! Blake & Ella totally could be siblings!!!

JILL said...

She looks like a little toddler, already! OMG-Getting so big!

Jessica said...

It simply adorable how much those boys love Ella!