Monday, July 4, 2011

Kids are resilient

Because I loved Ella's room so much in the townhouse, I tried to copy it at my parent's house. My dad painted her walls the same green and the room has the same layout so the furniture placement is the same. It's kind of creepy because I was sitting in there last night and almost felt like outside the door was the townhouse...but I digress.

In regards to Ella, there are great things about living at my parents house and there are not so great things about living here. Mom and Dad if you're reading this, please remember that blogging is therapeutic and I need to get some of this out.

The Good:

  • Ella is surrounded by people who love and adore her everyday.

  • Her closet is ginormous!

  • She now has a bathtub that is entirely hers (with the exception of my mom's washrags that she dries on the rim). No more sharing with me, Buzz and the dogs.

  • I'm letting some dogs out four times a day and I can come and go and leave Ella in the care of others.

  • Although temporary, she is spending oodles of time with her three cousins who are great with her by the way.

  • She has a fabulous fenced in yard to play in.

  • There's a huge park two houses away.

  • We can walk out of the house and take a nice long walk around the block or neighborhood.

  • She lives with her grandparents and is two minutes from her Grandma Jeanie.

The Bad:

  • She has to be separated from one of her parents at all times.

  • She is probably very confused.

  • The television is on a lot here and she is glued to it.

  • There are lots of treats and lots of people eating said treats so she is eating more treats.

The Ugly:

  • She has to listen to my nephews say things like, "shut-up or butt wad." And she has to hear my sister yell at them to stop. Having said that, the three boys are nothing but loving, attentive and patient with Ella.

I think the little bird's going to be okay. And if she's not, we'll just have to add therapy to the list of things you buy your child as they age...

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JILL said...

She is just too cute for words...

Jessica said...

She will be fine! Hell, I would have loved to live with my grandma as a kid!

She has two great parents that love her and that's all that matters.

Mandy said...

She'll be just fine. And she's so freakin' adorable!!

Anna said...

My parent's always used to say they would pay for either college or therapy, but not both.
So what do both my brother and I major in? Psychology/Counseling.
Bird's gonna be awesome. You are awesome <3

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