Monday, February 15, 2010

Superbowl - or Kidbowl

The Rojas family hosted Superbowl at their big, beautiful house a few Sundays ago. I can proudly say that I did not watch even one ounce of the game. Instead I watched the cute kids and the delicious food. Here are the babies of the group - Keaton and Ella. Where is Adriana, the third baby, you might wonder... Oh look, there is Adriana with the one-year olds! Is she standing? You betcha. Why do kids always look like they were just busted talking smack about their parents?
We thought it would be really cute to get the kiddos lined up in Jacob's playroom in front of the mural. We also thought it would be cute to make pigs fly!
We settled for moms and kids.
Notice the scowls on all the dudes' faces. Whatevs!
I'd like to take this time to point out that my friends - although mostly into their 30's now - have immature taste buds. Buzz and I brought a delicious smoked salmon, dip and crackers to share. Not only was everyone (expect Mike, I knew I always liked him for a reason, Stanczak) afraid to try it; they made fun of it all night. Something similar happened a few years back with ham & swiss sliders that I made. So from now on we will be bringing wings or sliders or something gross like that to Superbowl parties. There, I feel much better! Let's hear it haters...
Oh and thanks for hosting Rocky & Jill.


Jessica said...

Are you referring to the onion sammies? Yum. HAHAHAH! Cute pics!

Kellie said...

Love the picture of Keaton and Ella.

Jeanie said...

Everyone of those little ones are just absolutely georgeous. What fun to have great friends and all having babies at the same time. Lucky for everyone. Keep sending all the pics...I love em

Amanda said...

Looks like a great time! I have a good recipe for a Mediterranean dip if you want it. It has spinach in it. Also sure to gross everyone out. :)

Unknown said...

Cute pics. Look at all the little ones.
I normally would have had some salmon, but fish hasn't tasted good to me while I've been pregnant.

Mandy said...

Kelly-stick your disgusting salmon where the sun don't shine! haha! Who's the brat in the black shirt throwing a fit...oh wait, she's mine.

Jeanie said...

Tell the Rojas that the mural is swesome. I can almost hear the elephant. Jacob is a lucky little boy.

Jeanie said...

Tell the Rojas that the mural is swesome. I can almost hear the elephant. Jacob is a lucky little boy.