Friday, February 5, 2010

What it's like to have triplets

I babysat Amy's twins Wednesday from 10 to 4.

Here is little Addison. She is so cute and has the most expressive eyebrows around. And here is Brady. He is totally laid back and laughs easily.
Is there anything cuter than babies in pjs?
Yes, babies holding hands in pjs is even cuter. Who knew Ella was so tan. It's been mentioned before but Ella is now the bully...
Finally someone to sit on the other side of the farm.
When Amy's hubby dropped off the kids, I had Otis and Greta locked in our bedroom. Otis couldn't handle the stress so he tore at the carpet (Again). When I finally let him out of the bedroom, he begged to go outside and I just let him out the back door. He was so stressed from the whole ordeal (of about 10 minutes) that he was peeing out his butt. The dogs were great the rest of the day and the kiddos weren't scared of them at all. They do have three, yes three, cats at home.
I did not pose them like this. I found them this way. Little Brady didn't sleep a wink all day. But he did enjoy his illegal pacifier.

When I see this pic I think that these two were just talking shit about their moms and I walked in and busted them.
And finally, a few short clips for your viewing pleasure. The good and the not so good.


Mandy said...

1. That's insane.

2. You are a saint.

3. That jerk dog is no help at all - what a lazy slug.

Jessica said...

Cuties all around. And 3 cats are easier than 1 dog any way you slice it.

Kellie said...

Oh my gosh they are all so cute. Addison really looks like her Mommy. I am sure you slept well that night.

Jeanie said...

the kiddies are just beautiful...what a fun day for all...busy day but so fun

day care center anyone?

Unknown said...

Look at them all! So cute.
Hearing you talk about that day made me feel more confident about having 2 kids in a few weeks.