Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dominoes and Casinos

We like to play a little Mexican Train when we're together. It's a great game because you can chat during it and the kids can play too. Wow, I'm boring myself with this awful commentary.

Once night me, my sis and my cousin, Sherry, head out to the new casino in Des Plaines. My sister and I mull over what to wear and switch outfits quite a few times. When we arrive we realize that we kinda look like call girls, I mean some people are dressed way down! It was depressing because we were waiting in line to get in and some woman came over to move us to the head of the line. Was it cuz we looked so good? Nope, it was cuz we looked so obviously over the age of 18!

The bathrooms were great and the mirrors made us look tan and young. We kinda wanted to stay there all night and look at ourselves!

My sis likes to take pics of odd people and this dude's hair fit the bill. She used me as a decoy and I'm not proud of my face.

Do you see the guy in the center of the photo with the pink tie? My sis thought he'd be perfect for me so she kept making us walk by his high roller table. So embarrassing. Then when he got up, she followed him through the casino with the intent of? Luckily he lost her.

Kerry won big that night. All I'm going to tell you about that is I had to drag her kicking and screaming away from the machine. She would have lost it all. And I think she photoshopped her face in this pic too. ;)

I spotted this Edward Cullen look alike so Kerry being Kerry had to follow him into the bar and had both of us pose with him after telling him he looks like the vamp! He was only 23. Another fun night with my sister.

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Teresa said...

Looks like and your sister are crazy when you get together..But UMMMM I don't think that guys looks like Edward Cullen at all...maybe you two had your beer goggles on??? HA

JILL said...

Fun! You look HOT in these pictures. Seriously, you look fantastic.