Friday, September 30, 2011


My nephew Blake has hit puberty and turned into a dummy! Seriously. He doesn't even know how to use a microwave. What's up with that?

One night we go bowling thinking that the kids will enjoy this.

Even with all of our antics, we can't tear the teenager away from his phone!

At least Aidan still knows how to party.

Wet Willy

Here's another Edward Cullen look-alike. Well, the poor man's version anyway.

Second cousin reunion...

We were watching this couple across the bar totally make-out and dance and have a great time with each other so we started taking bets on how long they'd been together. I guessed less than two weeks and everyone else guessed longer. Even the bartender got in on it. I went to check with the couple and found out they'd just met last week. I got a free drink for my hard work and great guessing skills.

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