Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ella's first outing

Ella had her first outing on May 27th when she was one week old. We planned an exciting day of gynecologists and pediatricians. I tried to have her wear a headband but it's already too tight for her large noggin.
So we switched to her granny hat. She's not really a fan of headgear.
Here she is being violated at the pediatrician's office. Can we talk about that cool wallpaper? Her weight was at 7-7 so we had to come back the following week to make sure she got back up to her birth weight. She was pretty pissed when she found out.
Here she is back at home in the safety of her swing.
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JILL said...

She is so damn precious. I can't wait to see her again. Let us know when you are up for a pool side playdate- I will plan it. You look great, by the way:)

Amanda said...

What a sweetie! :) Hope all of you are getting into a routine.

Amanda D. said...

She is darling!