Sunday, June 14, 2009

How do the dogs like the baby?

People keep asking me how the dogs are doing with the baby. As you can see by the photo below, she has completely exhausted them - and her dad.

Actually, we're those jerk parents that like to pose our baby on top of our dogs. Otis is used to posing with things on and around him. What's so different about a baby?

Whenever Ella comes home from an outing, both dogs need to sniff her to see where she's been.

I don't know if it's the fact that she's a female or the fact that she had puppies but Greta is very interested in Ella. Otis remains interested in food and the neighbors.
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Teresa said...

Cute....Ella looks like she likes the dogs all in her face.

Mandy said...

Ella couldn't look more disgusted with Gretta's big snout in her face.

Unknown said...

So cute! Hope you guys are doing well!