Monday, June 15, 2009

The social butterfly

The pediatrician warned us to keep Ella away from kids under 10 for two months. They also told us not to take her to parties and large crowded areas. Buzz takes this all very seriously and would not (no matter how much I begged) go out to lunch on Saturday with Ella. BUT, he has allowed her to be around some children - as long as there was no touching.
Here are her latest friends:
Colton - he is my cousin's son. These two will spend many a holiday and family party together and hopefully become good friends like their mamas. He is 7 months old.

This is Nyla. She was born the day after Ella and is my friend Nialae's niece. She is such a little peanut and makes Ella look like a linebacker!

Here is Adriana. She is exactly one month older than Ella. She's Teresa's baby and if I have a job to go back to in the fall, her mom will be watching Ella three days a week so these two are sure to be great pals.

Here is Adrianna's big brother Luke. He is three and he's a great big brother!
Addison St. Leger also came by for a visit but we totally forgot to take pictures. Next time...
Ella is also anxiously awaiting her first play date with all of the other kiddos.


Amanda said...

Look at her teeny tininess! :) So cute.

Teresa said...

Cute pics! Adriana looks so big compared to Ella and Luke looks like a GIANT. I am looking forward to watching her! I am keeping my fingers crossed!

JILL said...

What a Little One. Lots of Little Friends!

Jessica said...

Um...she's totally touching every kid in every picture!! HAHAHAH!

NyLa said...

All the babies are Gems!