Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

So I know you're all dying to know what SAHMs (stay at home moms) do on St. Patrick's Day. After a long day of Dr. appointments and running errands, Ella and I came home to dress up the dogs.
Otis should have been a dog model. He is surprisingly patient and calm during photo shoots.

Later we tried coloring. And guess what, Ella loves the taste of crayons.


Teresa said...

You are such a good SAHM! Ella looks adorable..and I am shocked that Otis lets you dress him up!

Kristy said...

I love the picture of Ella in the green glasses!

JILL said...

K- 1st of all- the dogs are cute...but ELLA: She takes the cake!!! You are a very creative SAHM- art projects, field trips (doctor appts, errands) and I am so happy to hear she does not have an ear infection. I am starting to get worried about Jacob's ears lately- he too keeps pulling on them- but no sign of anything as the Ear doctor told me what to look out for- damn ear infections.

Jeanie said...

They are all so cute and your comments are a hoot.. My personal favorite......the black and white one with a touch of blush on her sweet little cheeks