Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Austin: Bunnies & Birds

My sister planted a vegetable garden in her back yard and got a few of those tomato bag things to hang. One day while checking her bag, she was brutally attacked by a momma bird who had laid some eggs. Ever since then they've been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the baby birds so they could stir fry them (revenge is best served cold). It seems these Texans have some odd taste when it comes to food. Well the babies hatched yesterday and they are the size of a thumbnail. It's sad that their mom will only be able to enjoy them a few days before my sister plucks them up and fries them in some oil. Here's Ella and Uncle Joe. They like to coordinate their outfits one day a week. I don't ask why.

Kerry's kids are teaching Ella all sorts of fun things like building pillow forts, shooting rubber band guns and telling fart jokes. What would she do without their guidance?

We pick the boys up and head to the mall to see the Easter Bunny and a movie. Ella is reluctant of the giant bunny at first. I can't imagine why?

But Aidan and Cole step in to save the day and even though they're getting too old for this stuff they are happy to help out with Ella.

The mall pictures blew and were $24.99 per sheet so we'll have to suck it up and head over to Woodfield the day before Easter to get some good ones.

After the bunny, Ella wanted to go chase boys through the mall but I told her she was too young. Maybe next year kid.

The extra kid is Cole's friend. We saw the movie, Rio, which is about a Blue Macaw's adventures. Pretty cute and by the makers of Ice Age. This was Ella's first movie and I was a little nervous she'd get bored but she was mesmerized for the whole hour and a half. As we were walking out she was mumbling something to herself about Blue (the name of the bird) and how he flied. Listening to her analysis of the movie was worth exposing her to TV before the age of 2.

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