Thursday, May 7, 2009

The baby furniture arrived

Look, there's the crib in the corner. I'm so glad we went with this one.

Isn't the armoire lovely?
Here's the dresser/changing table. I'm not sure it looks so good there, what do you think?
Are you having a hard time seeing it too? That's because it's not there!!! I took the day off of work and waited anxiously until noon when it arrived. I let the dudes in and didn't want to be annoying so I went to hang in my bedroom where the dogs were locked up. While they were unloading the second piece, I ran in the nursery to see the first piece...
It was distressed black. I ordered distressed white. Awesome. I won't get into the nitty gritty details because there really aren't any yet. We'll find out more tomorrow. Did I mention that this is the furniture we've waited like 14 weeks for?
In other news, I had my 37 week appointment this afternoon with a side of a non-stress test. The baby's head is down, I'm not dilated, nothing new to share. Oh, yeah there is...the doc that we've seen pretty at pretty much every appointment is on vacation next week and the week before I'm due. I love pregnancy!


Teresa said...

OMG Kelly - first I can not beleive you are 37 weeks!!!! just can not win with this furniture bit. Can't wait to hear the details. I am sure once the right furniture arrives its going to be beautiful!

Mandy said...

UN-BE-LIEV-ABLE!!!!!! I'm ready to spit nails for you!! I know you remain pretty calm during these situations, unlike me. Can I PLEASE call someone and yell at them for you?!?!?!?!?!? I could totally get them to throw in a free nightstand for you at this point!

Amanda said...

OMG I would be so mad......I'm sure you are & saying that I empathize doesn't make your furniture appear. Hopefully they can make it right before E arrives. :(

Jessica said...

Kel - I'm so sorry to hear about this furniture debacle. Lord knows its the last thing you need right now. Try to keep your chin up.

Unknown said...

Geez! That sucks! How long will it take them to get you a new set? They owe you a speedy turnaround.

My regular doc didn't deliver me, either. It's annoying but what are ya gonna do?

Kellie said...

That blows was this the reason for the non stress test? I had to do them every other day for the last two weeks with Rae. If you need another one bing a bottle of vitamin water in with you to get Ella moving and so you can get the hell out of there. It worked every time with Raegan. Good luck with the furniture.

JILL said...

WOW! I cannot believe that- I would have gone nuts- especially at 37-weeks, you have the okay to go crazy- you are about to deliver, you are tired, and you need your kid's furniture!! I had a bunch on non-stress tests at the end too. Hopefully, your doc will be there for delivery worries with that, either way she will arrive with a well-trained doc and nursing staff at a wonderful hospital.

Aaliyah said...

I recently got new baby furniture from BabiesRUs... I choose a dresser, changing table, crib and bedding set...