Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm 6 months old!

Ella went to the doc last week and here are her stats:

Weight: 14.3 (25-50%)
Height: 26 (50-75%)
Head: 16.25 (25-50%)

She had her first case of stranger danger. Ella was sitting on the table and the doc went to examine her so I backed off a bit. Ella turned her head towards me and pouted and then cried. She looked at the doc like she was crazy. However, she took her shots like a trooper and the nurse was impressed with her bravery (they say that to all the babies, don't they?). She continues to be a super happy, easy baby.
Buzz makes her watch football :( She adores her dad and if she's nursing when he comes home, she breaks away and turns to watch him and "talk" to him.

She loves her jumperoo and exersaucer.

She started preparing her Christmas list. At the top is an Edward Cullen doll!
We brought out some of her big girl toys and she is having so much fun.
Otis is finally showing an interest in her and she loves it.
She grabs her head when people smile or talk to her.
She is sitting up all by herself! Thanks to Adriana for showing her the ropes.

She doesn't know how to work the DVR yet. It's frustrating.
Wow, on her 6 month birthday, she started foods. First up - rice cereal. She loves it now. What's with the poop though? The blowouts are back baby!

She is rolling and babbling like crazy. I swear she says, "Hey" or more like, "haaaayyyyy." Call me crazy. She has babbled ma ma and da da once each that I've heard so I don't think those count.
She's on a super regular schedule now due to her dad's Nazi regime. To bed at 8:00 pm every night. She wakes up at 7:30 like clockwork. I can't really complain because he puts her to bed almost every night. He puts her in her pjs and reads her a story.
It is so hard to believe that it's been 6 months with this perfect little baby. We are so lucky to be her parents.


Teresa said...

She is just adorable!

Teresa said...

I love that picture of Adriana and Ella...almost like they were chatting and you interrupted them to take a picture

Amanda said...

That's a great pic of you and her! :) She's an absolute doll and I am a fan of Buzz's regime.

Anneliese said...

She is so beautiful!!!!!! Enjoy the holidays with your sweet baby girl.

JILL said...

She is just the sweetest Little Girl! I love how Buzz took over bedtime. Good for all of you! Isn't it great to have that time, now? Happy 6-months Ella!

Jessica said...

Such a cutie (love the B&W bow pic) and way to go on all her accomplishments!! Now maybe she could teach Keaton a thing or two...

Mandy said...

OMG Kelly - I just want to squeeze her. Could she be ANY cuter with her big blue eyes?? Happy 6 months Ella!!

Amanda D. said...

She is so stinkin cute! So pretty and happy ...just love it!!!!

Unknown said...

Some of her facial expressions make her look so grown up! What a big girls! Can't wait to see her again.
Love the xmas background. I almost picked it, too.