Friday, June 18, 2010

Ella & Adriana

Ella and Adriana were born exactly one month apart. Ade's mom, Teresa, and I live close to each other and both stay home so these two see each other quite often.

For awhile it was hard to believe they were only a month apart because Ade does everything so early (crawling, walking, talking), not to mention she was born with a full head of hair! But recently Ella is catching up and I think these two are going to be trouble.
They even took a baby class together at the park district.
Just this week, they started swim lessons together. I hope that they grow up to be great friends.


Teresa said...

Probably one of my favortie posts of yours. These two are so cute together! Ella is totally catching up with Adriana...and I am positive they will be great friends..just like me and you..Ahhhh so sappy!

Unknown said...

That is such a sweet post! Those two are just dolls!

JILL said...

So cute. LOVE the last picture the best!

Jeanie said...

That was so so sweet and when they're older they'll have tons of fun looking at those pictures and having a great time. They sure are beautiful little girls. Good job Kelly..a great post.