Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cleaning out the nursery

These were taken a few weeks back but due to my blog blues I couldn't get them up. Buzz had encouraged, no forced, me to make way for baby. This started with the moving of the bookshelf. We got a nicer one for the hall but it's a bit smaller than the our previous one. I had to take 4.5 shelves of books and condense them down to 3 shelves.

For some reason I got stuck with the bottom shelves...Did I mention that I have books in storage in our crawl space too? I just love books.

I had to sadly part with a few boxes of books to make this work. Also, there are now books hidden behind books. I think I have two rows of dog books. We have the old books ready to ship off to the local library and then to goodwill.

The next project was emptying half of the closet in Ella's room. Buzz and I were splitting it but now we're going to split a half. Make sense? I was able to donate three full garbage bags of clothes to our school community closet (families in need can go shopping for clothes donated by teachers and staff).

Here is Ella's half. The entire bottom is all newborn to 3-6 month clothes. The top goes from 6 months to 1 year. Crazy! Once we have the armoire and dresser we can move some of the clothes around. And Mandy, I now understand why you hate the closet organizers!

New developments this week:
  • Buzz took down all shelving/art-work and patched holes
  • Buzz took full size bed and bookshelf to my parents house for storage (thanks Mom & Dad)
  • The only things left in the room are an empty computer desk and my old baby dresser
  • Armoire and dresser should be delivered in two weeks but crib is over ordered!!!!!!!!!!
  • The place where I was going to buy the glider from has mysteriously closed their website
  • Bedding is in and I'll post pics soon
  • Dogs are misplaced and confused :(

I just wanted to send a shout-out to Buzz because he's been working his tail off. Thanks honey!


Amanda said...

Glad to see that Ella was appropriately spoiled at her shower. :) All girls should start life with a closet like that!

Buzz said...

My pleasure honey. What my baby wants my baby gets, as long as I still get to golf often...

Jessica said...

Nice, Buzz - give her what she wants with parameters!

POST THE BEDDING PICS ASAP. I'm dying to see it!

Mandy said...

Kelly, you know how much I hate to say "I told you so" but, I told you so! ha ha! Glad to see some progress over there and can't wait to see the bedding!

Mandy said...

PS-get ready to feel totally overwhelmed by the decision as to what your daughter should wear every day. It's the biggest stress in my life. crazy I know, but you'll see.

JILL said...

Good Work, Buzz! The Dogs will be fine...I guarantee it!

Kristy said...
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Anonymous said...

Go Buzz! Looks like you guys are nesting!