Friday, August 21, 2009

Portrait Innovations-3 months

All of my girlfriends are now using Portrait Innovations for their baby pics so of course, I had to try them out. Why reinvent the wheel?

They've got a package for $9.95 where you get a free sitting fee and tons of pics of one shot. But really, who could choose just one shot? The more you buy, the cheaper it gets and pretty soon you've spent a small fortune! The worst part is deleting the pics of your child. They pull up three at a time and suggest that you keep only one - but they're all cute - but you can't afford them all - and you live in a small townhouse with no wall space for hanging all of these damn photos anyway. Sorry...

I love this pic but I HATE the black background. Whatever.
What a big girl. I want to eat her.
Here is her Halloween costume because you know, her dad is Buzz. Also me and Otis have both been bees for Halloween. We have to keep the tradition going. You'll just have to wait till Halloween to see the cute tights that come with this number...
This is my money shot. The one I used for the big package. I brought her bedding to use and it didn't really photograph true to its color but who cares, look at that face!
I'm done narrating the photos. Here are the rest...

One more thing...What a bitch it has been to try to divide all of these up between grandparents, aunt, uncles...Yikes Stripes. Warning to the receivers: you get what you get.


kenzie said...

So cute Kel!!!! What is going on with work, are you going back?

Kelly said...

Hey Kenzie,
It doesn't look like it. I don't want to jinx myself...I'll update in a week. How are you???

Unknown said...

She us so photogenic!! I love them all. By the way I have the same 3 mnth pic of Peyton in the pink silk sheet!

Teresa said...

She is so cute. The Halloween costume is hilarious!

Amanda said...

I really like the one of her laying on her bedding with the stuffed dog....But they're all cute. And that place does do a great job of draining your wallet. But it's worth it. ;)

Kellie said...

Love the bee costume pic!

Jessica said...

They turned out great!! I agree on the money shot - I would have picked that one too! Keaton is going to be a bee too - we should get pics of them together!

kenzie said...

Hi Kelly. I'm good. Thanks for the announcement. That was a nice surprise and it is on my fridge with Jess C's too! School started today and it actually feels good to be back!!! Keep me posted.

Mandy said...

OMG-those are all SO cute! The bee costume is perfect for her!