Saturday, April 17, 2010

Austin Day 3: Wildflowers and Fredericksburg

The day started with the slugs (Kerry, Kelly & Ella) sleeping in till 9:30. We got up and handed Ella off to Uncle Michael. Next we made him feed her breakfast so I could blog and Kerry could shower. Normally Ella eats great but she was pokey McGee with Michael so I had plenty of time to blog. He actually quit in the middle of her fruit and left her for!

The weather here has been crummy and will be all week. We still took a chance and drove an hour to see the wildflowers and the quaint little town, Fredericksburg. We brought Ella's tutu with the hope of getting some cute pics but it was too muddy and periodically rainy.

Kerry's camera was acting up all day so the pictures aren't as nice as usual but we still managed to get a few good ones.

This doesn't even look like Ella but what a cute picture.

Fredericksburg is full of cute, overpriced shops, restaurants and bed and breakfast joints. It was heaven!

Ella was shocked to find a life-sized pic of Otis staring down at her.

We stopped for lunch and Ella took one look at my sandwich and started pooping. I wonder if this is how I look when I poop.
Yes, I'm that girl (I'm not a woman yet!) that is breastfeeding her almost one year old in public. Judge away people.
I had to throw in a picture of the road because my sister is the worst driver ever! She tries to blame it on her MS but I know better. Unfortunately there are lots of interesting things to see on the sides of the road but when we're going 80 miles per hour and she says, "look at that," and points, I always get a bit nervous because the car will start to swerve one way or the other. Thank God Oprah has been on her no texting while driving campaign or we might have died several times today.
One of those things on the side of the road was a herd of goats hanging out on a dead tree. My sister turns around to snap a few photos but we pass by the scene a few times before finding a mini-road to turn onto. She has to walk a ways to get the picture but as soon as she parks the car and starts walking, the goats all go running. I was laughing so hard as I think that they're running from her but they're actually running to us. I guess this is what the Texans call a petting zoo.
So there's a sea of goats (like maybe 50) and this one poor Llama, or Alpaca. We're not really sure what it was. But what the hell is he doing there?

We tipped off the night by playing in the game room with the kids and watching, "The Blind Side." It's 2:00 a.m. and I'm headed to bed.


JILL said...

Kelly, she is SUCH a beauty! Just perfect.

Mandy said...

That picture of her with the big cheese on her face is hilarious. And she seriously looks like Blake in the pooping picture.

The last picture makes me want to yell "Tina, eat your ham!!" (from Napoleon Dynamite). Hilarious. Look at his gross toof.