Monday, April 26, 2010

I'm 11 Months Old!

Where to begin? Ella is one busy little bee! She is constantly on the move. She is cruising the furniture but when you try to help her walk by holding her hands she collapses her legs and falls to the ground. She is using her walker but it doesn't turn so well. She is climbing stairs and super fast. I realized this when I left her for a minute and came back to find her on the third step!
She will not lie still for a diaper changing anymore. I was warned by friends about this but didn't realize it could be so bad. I have taken to strapping her down on the changing pad. We try to hand her interesting things to look at like the fan remote or a bottle of Jack but sometimes that doesn't even work.
This little girl has some serious bangs that need to be held out of her face but guess what? She won't leave bows or headbands on anymore. And when she takes them out she gives you a sly look.

She has started doing her own laundry so that is helpful. You still can't leave any type of container around this kid or she will empty it, and fast. When I put my make-up on, I hand her my make-up bag and she loves to take all the makeup out.
I think I mentioned last month that she was starting to protest things. I didn't know what protest meant. Now she growls like a wild cat when you take something away from her. She isn't too content to stay in her exersaucer or jumperoo either.
She loves to look out the back door so now in addition to dog nose prints, we have Ella nose prints. We took a nice family walk in the woods behind our house and she came home with her first tick - in her pants!
If we're at home, her meals are starting to look like this. She loves people food and is losing interest in any kind of baby meals that aren't fruit based. Since I'm a vegetarian, I hate feeding her chunks of meat. She's going to owe me for that. She drinks out of a straw like a champ.

She goes nuts when her dad comes home from work. Sometimes she squeals. He deserves this as he devotes his evenings to her.
She went to Texas for the third time to visit my sister's family. The pilots were crazy about her. She's feeling quite comfortable at my sister's house.
The boys took great care of her while she was there. It makes me sad that she doesn't have any older siblings to look up to. She really enjoyed watching those boys.
She was a really good sport while in Austin, putting up with lots of car and stroller rides.
It is SUCH a task to get this child to look up for a photo. She is too busy crawling or picking things up. You can be screaming your head off and she doesn't even give you a glance. For some reason when I sing to her she will look up - it must be my angelic voice - not!

What else? She is getting her top left tooth and now she grinds this one with the bottom two and it makes me feel ill. She thinks it's hilarious. She babbles to herself. She has recently started napping again. When I read her a story and tell her to turn the page, she does. She gives kisses (on occasion, if she feels like it). She does that cute burying her head thing when people talk to her. She likes to drag strange things around when she crawls like my nursing wrap, a bib, a plastic egg, a key chain... She is changing almost daily and she is so much fun to be around.


Mandy said...

Before you know it she's going to be running around and telling you NO! Those pics in the flowers are to die for.

Anonymous said...

What a little Dolly!!!

Teresa said...

So cute! we have the same leopard dress and sweater! Finally another kid that hates diaper changes..I thought mine was the only one.

Kellie said...

Great pics Kelly and I love the pics of Ella in the flowers.

Jessica said...

The pics this month are lovely and she is more and more beautiful. She sure sounds like she's gonna be a handful though - good luck to Daddy Buzz!

JILL said...

Love this age. This is such a fun time, besides the diaper changing "wars" (we've been there too)- I love watching her own personality shine! So cute.