Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Mayo Clinic?

How to best make this long-a$$ story short? I'll try. I had to go back to my allergist today cuz I needed a refill. Apparently I haven't been there in over a year. Well my allergist who I loved has skipped town and there is no forwarding info. So I had to see this other guy. I thought we'd chat for a few, he'd write my script and I'd be off for another year. Since no one knows what is wrong with me, I prefer to stay away from the doctors. Not so fast rashy girl...
Here are his requests:
  • Get off the Xyzal and Singulair for remainder of pregnancy - switch to something safer like Zyrtec. But the gyno ok'd those meds! Well, I'm just not very comfortable because we don't know much about them and pregnancy. Gee, I'm glad I'm only 6 months and haven't done any real damage yet!

  • Carry an Epi-pen. I've been told this before but they expire after a year and I've never had to use one...

  • Make an appointment with Northwestern's allergy department. But it's so far and I've been there a million times. They are experts on pregnancy and urticaria and will know more about Xyzal and Singulair.

  • I'd like you to see this oncologist. Aren't those cancer docs? Actually they specialize in blood and bones too. I'd like you to have a bone marrow test. But I thought I just had cutaneous mastocytosis. You might but this is the way to tell if it's systemic...

  • Get tested for Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lymes Disease...

  • Get all of this bloodwork done (2 pages). Didn't I just have a ton of bloodwork done last year? Yes, but these are different tests.

  • Go to the Mayo Clinic, soon. But it's such a hassle. Will I have to go more than once? I believe you still may have Mastocytosis and they are the gold standard in testing for mast cell diseases.

Now does everyone see why I avoid doctors?


Amanda said...

Sounds like a PITA, but maybe something good will come of it.

Anna said...

SO annoying. Side note, though, I LOVE my Xyzal and Singulair and am now annoyed at the thought of having to go off them when we get PG. Xyzal is the reason we can have Titan... I have a skin allergy to him otherwise! If you DO go see whoever you are supposed to go see, let me know what they say. =) I'm sure Ella will be just fine!!!

Anonymous said...

That stinks Kelly- what a pain- but, I agree, Ella will be just fine!!

Jessica said...

Wow. That's a lot of info and instructions in one appointment! I'm sure Ella's fine and its just the new doctor doing what new doctors do - everything themselves.

Teresa said...

Kelly thats sucks!! Where do you start first....you poor thing. All docs say something different...I am sure Ella is fine with the meds you are taking. keep your head up!

Mandy said...

First of all, I know this is no laughing matter but I almost peed when I read "Not so fast rashy girl..." All kidding aside though, Ella's just fine. That's a lot of hoops to jump through but I think you'll be better for it in the end.

Samantha Scimeca said...

I agree with Mandy. some docs know more than others, and it may be in your best interest to get checked out for these things. I am sure the baby is just fine too. But get checked out, maybe some good news will come of all this. But WHAT a DR. APPT! GEEZE!

Anneliese said...

That sucks... As if you don't have enough to worry about being pregnant. During my pregnancy the OB docs told me I could take almost everything. When I asked pharmacists and read up on the same medications, I found there were potential risks involved. (ie- cold medications, certain gas meds etc.) They don't seem to know as much about these risks as I thought they might. I would be a bit irritated that you are being told this at 6 months. However You can't change anything know and babies are incredibly resilient. I am sure she will be perfectly healthy.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is a lot, but don't worry I am sure little Ella is fine and you will be too. It will be a big relief once you get all of the tests and visits done. Good luck!

Kelly said...

Thanks peeps. Did I also mention that Ella will be immune to Tylenol once she comes out cuz I take it almost every day? I am to blame for all of my child's future problems.

Mandy said...

And so the mommy guilt begins...

Amanda D. said...

I feel your pain Kelly! It's very stressful...running from doc to doc. No solid answers. It totally sucks. Not to mention during pregnany when everything is already worrisome (sp?), anyhow, sometimes the more they dig the more they find. It only took 2 1/2months of constant pain for them to finally tell me I had a fracture in my tooth and I had it out yesterday. :(