Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I peed my pants: Part Two

I had my 16 week appointment today. As soon as you get there, they always make you pee in a cup so they can test for proteins or something. I did that just fine. About five minutes later while in the doc's room I was told by the tech that she would send me home with some sterile urine kit to get some more pee for some other test. I told her I could go again now, so I went...

Now since I had just peed I didn't think there would be much in there. The private bathroom is kind of big so I stood in the middle of the room and started to pee in the fairly large sized container. All of a sudden, the pee is approaching the top of the container. I tried to stop my pee stream, but it wouldn't stop. I tried again, nothing! At this point I was two feet from the toilet so I started to waddle (while peeing) over to the toilet. Next thing you know, the cup is full and I am peeing on my pants and the floor. I am not even kidding. There was no stopping this stream. Now I understand all the hype about the darn Kegal exercises.

Now get this: my mom calls during my appointment. I thought my phone was on silent but apparently not. Buzz accidentally hits the answer key and puts the phone back in his pocket. My mom proceeds to listen to our appointment for the next 20 minutes and even gets to hear the baby's heartbeat. What are the odds? There is a long history of my sister and I accidentally calling our mother and she has heard some pretty horrible things in the past, but that is for another post...

Wow this is a long entry...we heard the heartbeat for the first time. It was in the 140's. I am supposed to schedule my Level II Ultrasound for before my next appointment (which is January 5th). We get these extras because I have a thyroid condition. See, there are benefits to autoimmune diseases. We will hopefully find out the sex then!


Mandy said...

Wow, so you had to hang out with piss all over yourself for the rest of the appointment? Gross. I'm dying to know what you're having!!!

Teresa said...

Are you serious Kelly...who just stands in the middle of the bathroom and pees...without the toilet as a safety net...Only you..HILARIOUS! This is why I love your blog...always something new!

Jessica said...

Um, why can't you pee in the cup while standing over the toilet? I don't get it. But that was a hell of a story...an visual!

Samantha Scimeca said...

Hysterical! I just want to know how big of a cup do you need??? That's a lot of pee! Too funny! Next time try the toilet.. he he he

nYLa said...

Kells, I almost peed my pants reading this! LOL :)

Kristy said...

Next time--if you don't want to use the toilet--you can ask for a bucket! That is hysterical! I'm sorry you peed yourself.